4 Reasons Why Your Child Needs a Library Card
Welcome to October! As you may know October is dyslexia awareness month. According to the University of Michigan, “Dyslexia is thought to be one of the most common language-based learning disabilities. It is the most common cause of reading, writing, and spelling difficulties. Of people with reading difficulties, 70-80% are likely to have some form of dyslexia.” (Read the full article from the University of Michigan here!)
If your child is part of the 5-10% diagnosed with dyslexia, a specific reading disability, or has challenges with reading - you know various parts of the reading and writing process are difficult and it can often be challenging to make reading more enjoyable for your child.
An often overlooked resource which can help in providing resources to make reading more accessible and pleasurable for your child is your public library and library card.
The library is one of our favorite places for a few reasons:
1.) Students can dive into an endless number of books and read, read, and read,
2.) For students who have difficulty choosing “just right” books, or have book fatigue, the library is great place to practice choosing “just right books” by test driving the book before committing to reading it,
3.) Most libraries offer accessible materials such as audio books, large print texts and if the library doesn’t have them in stock they can order them,
4.) Libraries provide quiet spaces for children as young 7 to finish their homework after school …and some libraries provide after school homework help.
To find out what accessible materials and supports your library offers, complete a quick Google search by entering your “city + state + library” in the search bar and start utilizing this awesome resource right at your finger tips.
Now if you and your child already have a library card - awesome! You’re a step ahead. For those of you who haven’t already - head to your nearest library and sign up for a library card today. Thank me later :)!
To bringing out the best in your child,